Mark Sullivan – Matte Painter Extraordinaire

Dodge Car TV Commercial Matte Painting 80s
Dodge Car TV Commercial Matte Painting 80s

Long before the undo button, matte paintings were used in films and adverts for decades. They were hand painted and implemented into filmed footage using a multiple exposure methods (hence the black hole in the above picture).

One of the best matte painters was Mark Sullivan, who worked for ILM for a while and his work out of this world. He worked on anything and everything worth talking about in the 80s and 90s- Indiana Jones, Ghostbusters, Robocop, The Abyss, right up to the Phantom Menace in 1999 when the paintings were on the cusp of going out of fashion.

Click the link to see a collection of the amazing paintings and how they were implemented into the films.

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